Past and Future Determinacy According to Nicolai Hartmann

  • Simonluca Pinna University of Cagliari (IT)


Nicolai Hartmann’s thesis of the equal determinacy of past and future is explained in the context of the theory of time appearing in his ontological tetralogy. In particular, the notions of past and future are treated as aspects of real time in its opposition to time as an ideality. Also, the relation of time and modality in the real sphere is analyzed assuming that it is of complementarity. In all of this, Hartmann’s view is synthetically compared to other theories of time in contemporary philosophy.


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Hartmann, N. (1935). Zur Grundlegung der Ontologie. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Hartmann, N. (1938). Möglichkeit und Wirklichkeit. Berlin: De Gruy-ter.
Hartmann, N. (1940). Aufbau der realen Welt. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Hartmann, N. (1950). Philosophie der Natur. Berlin: De Gruyter.
McTaggart, J. E. (1908). The Unreality of Time. Mind, 68, 457-474.
Poli, R. (2016). Pure and Qualified Time. In K. Peterson and R. Poli (eds.), New Research on the Philosophy of Nicolai Hartmann. Boston-Berlin: De Gruyter.
How to Cite
Pinna, S. (2020). Past and Future Determinacy According to Nicolai Hartmann. Critical Hermeneutics, 4(special II), 249-276.