
For a Theory of Everything

  • Maurizio Ferraris University of Turin (IT)


Perhaps the most relevant aspect of the ongoing philosophical transformation is the splitting of binomial speculation-idealism. Indeed, one can be both realist and speculative. The paper aims to show it through a definition of negative, positive, and speculative Realism and emphasises the speculative concept of hysteresis, i.e. the survival of effects to their own causes. Indeed, it is the fundamental principle at the basis of what exists (ontology), what we do (technology), what we know (epistemology), and finally of teleology (that is, of the interruption which, by putting an end to a process, simultaneously assigns a purpose to it).


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How to Cite
Ferraris, M. (2020). Hysteresis. Critical Hermeneutics, 4(special II), 69-120. https://doi.org/10.13125/CH/4494