Editor's Introduction

Immutability of the Past

  • Pier Luigi Lecis


The issue is a result of the research programme about ‘The problem of indeterminacy. Meaning, knowledge, action’ (‘Il problema dell’indeterminatezza. Significato, conoscenza, azione’, PRIN 2015, national coordinator Luigi Perissinotto). The project was developed by a Cagliari research team that worked on the indeterminacy problem concerning the linguistic, conceptual and interpretative mechanisms actively involved in the construction of the images of the past. These concepts and other themes were the subject of a conference in May 2019. The outcomes are now mostly presented in this number. The great questions of representation, fancy, figurative languages, image (as a form shaping matter and not merely reproducing a given structure) and time (and the relationship amongst past, present and future) are preeminently but not exclusively linked to the past as it is investigated by historians (past human actions and resulting chains of events)...


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How to Cite
Lecis, P. L. (2020). Editor’s Introduction. Critical Hermeneutics, 4(special II), I-XXXVIII. https://doi.org/10.13125/CH/4491