Transcendence and Immanence: Time and Space in André Neher

il tempo e lo spazio in André Neher

  • Elisabetta Viti università filosofia


André Neher’s philosophy of history is one of the most original elaborations of Holocaust thought. It is built on the philosophical axes of transcendence and immanence, Jewishly connected in the “middle” (‘emza’) of the irreducible contradiction separating them. The Author identifies this contradiction, borrowing it from the Maharal of Prague, with the law of Everything: a dialectic that does not untie the knots of the past event but implies them. In it the synthetic moment (et et) is based on the datum of an ineliminable “contrariety” (aut aut). The philosophical justification of a system of thought that subverts classical logic, admitting the coexistence of opposites, is realized through the dialectic of space and time, reread in the light of the Jewish notions of “radical risk” and “return”. The arrival point is intrinsically two-faced: on the one hand, history suspended to a “maybe” and its inescapable fatal and golemic risks, from Auschwitz to Hiroshima; on the other hand, history redeemable through the “return” to the Earth (Eretz). The first is linked to the linear and dramatic conception of biblical time; the other to the spatial theology of the Sabbath.


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How to Cite
Viti, E. (2021). Transcendence and Immanence: Time and Space in André Neher. Critical Hermeneutics, 5(1), 309-330.