Digital Devices as Interpretation Tools in Museum Settings

  • Héctor Valverde Martinez


Digital techniques have evolved in such a way that it is not difficult to imagine that they are about to effectively replace analog technologies as a predominant method to produce not only moving images (Darley 2002), but also to be our eyes, ears and our voice. The technological developments used in the museum spaces focused on interaction and simulation become the means to vehicle the dialogue between the text (museum) and the reader (visitor of the museum), so the simulated experiences of the three-dimensional space, become vivid experiences, and therefore real for those who experience them. In this way, it is possible to land an aircraft on the deck of a moving aircraft carrier, observe how a nuclear particle hits a hypothetical wall, live with a dinosaur, and even place oneself in the place of a migrant crossing the border between Mexico and the United States (Davis 1973). This text will analyze, from Ricoeur's mimesis, how digital devices in exhibition spaces serve to enable visitors, based on the generation of a virtual experience through Mixed Realities, to have a better understanding of the topics addressed in exhibition spaces, or through empathy, wonder or aesthetic enjoyment.


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How to Cite
Valverde Martinez, H. (2020). Digital Devices as Interpretation Tools in Museum Settings. Critical Hermeneutics, 4(1), 119-136.