Hermeneutics of Distance: Physical and Symbolic Dimensions in Teaching and Digital Communication

  • Alfonso Di Prospero


In this paper focuses on the relationship between traditional culture, including the contents of learning specifically in schools, and the new opportunities of mobile learning through digital technologies. The works of Gregory Bateson, Paul Ricoeur, Zygmunt Bauman, Bernard Rimé and Karsten Stueber give the main coordinates for this research. The notion of empathy is interpreted in contextual terms. For this, the importance of hermeneutics, seen as the best approach to understand the meaning of the single cases, is asserted.


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How to Cite
Di Prospero, A. (2020). Hermeneutics of Distance: Physical and Symbolic Dimensions in Teaching and Digital Communication. Critical Hermeneutics, 4(1), 89-118. https://doi.org/10.13125/CH/4322