QATIPANA: Processes of Individuation on the Relationship Between Art, Machine and Natural Systems

  • Renzo Ch. Filinich Orozco
  • Tamara J. Chibey Rivas


The present research turns around the concepts and processes of Becoming and Individuation where it evidences a functional model based on the articulation of an informational processing system based on the approaches of the philosopher Gilbert Simondon. It aims to model a sensorimotor cycle performed by the cognitive system of an Artificial Intelligence agent. To establish this model of biological inspiration, we use the concepts of information in cybernetics by Norbert Wiener, information and modulation in Gilbert Simondon and the notion of machine performativity in light of Bernard Stiegler's ideas. Although the architecture that we have called Qatipana (Quechua word that denotes the flow of information processing systems) cannot be considered as a systems theory, it has the utility of being able to explain some empirical observations that we also present here. In conclusion, the implications and limitations of this model and the research that is being carried out to present its utility and probability as a model of the algorithmic cognitive system are part of the questions of communication and affect in the decisions provided by the automatic system.


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How to Cite
Filinich Orozco, R., & Chibey Rivas, T. (2020). QATIPANA: Processes of Individuation on the Relationship Between Art, Machine and Natural Systems. Critical Hermeneutics, 4(1), 65-88.