The Person, a ‘Material’ Story: The Construction of Ipseity and the Writing and Reading of the Shared Space

  • Francesca D’Alessandris


The issue of personal identity has been connected since its first formulation, in the modern age, to the one is persistence of self in time. The most recent hypothesis of a narrative identity of person, specifically the one given by Paul Ricœur, starts from this same assumption.  In this article, we will reformulate the link between person and narrative from the perspective of the category of space. The transcendental connection between time and space and the essential corporeity of the person will be the starting point for a theory of the act of reading as a construction of ipseity. This latter exhibits its singularity throughout personal understanding of places, by inhabiting a shared space which is, for its part, an architectural material narrative.


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How to Cite
D’Alessandris, F. (2020). The Person, a ‘Material’ Story: The Construction of Ipseity and the Writing and Reading of the Shared Space. Critical Hermeneutics, 3(2), 75-102.