Translating Reason: J. Ortega y Gasset and P. Ricoeur: Hermeneutical Horizons of Translation

  • Tomás Domingo Moratalla


Translation is a paradigm of human encounters, and consequently it has also become a paradigm of hermeneutic philosophy. In this work we explore the confluence between the philosophies of the translation of J. Ortega y Gasset and P. Ricoeur. The first gain of this confluence is to allow us, without any doubt, to consider Ortega y Gasset's philosophy in the tradition of hermeneutic phenomenology (together with Ricoeur or Gadamer). The second and most important result is to appreciate how these hermeneutic philosophies of translation endorse an expanded concept of reason. Thus, with this research, we find arguments in favor of a “hermeneutic reason”, a “vital reason” or an “entire reason”; therefore, since these arguments are born from the reflection about the experience of translation, I dare to speak of a “translating reason”.


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How to Cite
Domingo Moratalla, T. (2019). Translating Reason: J. Ortega y Gasset and P. Ricoeur: Hermeneutical Horizons of Translation. Critical Hermeneutics, 3, 85-108.