Realidade do passado histórico e a narração em História: encontros e divergências entre Hayden White e Paul Ricoeur [The Reality of Historical Past and Narration in History: Convergences and Divergences Between Hayden White and Paul Ricoeur]
The present article is to treat the reality of the historical past in front the uses of narration in history. For this we will use the theories of Paul Ricoeur and Hayden White, observing the importance of the narrative to the authors, the reciprocal reading between them and, finally, how the writing of history and the historical past are consti-tuted. Fiction is important to discuss the construction of the discourse on the past. In the case of Ricoeur, it is part of the construction of the intrigue, already in White, the language figures reveal them-selves to be important for the discourse in history. To present the modulations about the historical past and the historical narrative, we employ the theoretical literature that addresses the issue, with em-phasis on the publications in the Portuguese language.Downloads
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