To be and not to be: Where is the problem?

  • Pier Giorgio Solinas Università di Siena, Italy


Final comment on the Forum Sahlins, la parentela, essere e non essere (with contributions of Alessandra Gribaldo, Simonetta Grilli, Luca Guizzardi, Berardino Palumbo, Enric Porqueres i Gené, Piero Vereni, Pier Paolo Viazzo), Anuac. Vol. 4, n° 2, dicembre 2015: 7-41.


How to Cite
Solinas, P. G. (2016) “To be and not to be: Where is the problem?”, Archivio Anuac, 4(2), pp. 42-50. doi: 10.7340/anuac2239-625X-2014.
Forum: Sahlins, Kinship, To Be and Not To Be