We inform Anuac authors and readers, that starting with Volume 13, No. 1, 2024, Anuac, the journal of the Italian Society of Cultural Anthropology (SIAC) is accessible only through OpenEdition Journals platform at the following address https://journals.openedition.org/anuac/.
Authors interested in submitting a contribution are invited to use the email addresses of Anuac Redazione and Anuac Editorial collective (redazione.anuac@gmail.com and direzione.anuac@gmail.com). Please use Microsoft Word or OpenOffice writing programme (.doc, .docx or .odt files).
Before submitting a contribution, we recommend to: 1) make the file anonymous; 2) include an Abstract in both, Italian and English (150-200 words each); and 3) comply with Anuac editorial policies (https://journals.openedition.org/anuac/721) and with the journal’s style and formatting (https://journals.openedition.org/anuac/720).
Along with the submission, Authors are invited to send on a separate file a brief bio-bibliographic note in English (maximum 100 words).
Courtesy of UNICAPress (https://unicapress.unica.it/index.php/unicapress), Anuac publisher from 2018 to 2023, the full Anuac Archive 2012-2023 is available on UniCA Open Journals (https://ojs.unica.it/), the platform of open access journals of the University of Cagliari.