What is European about European anthropology?

  • Thomas Hylland Eriksen University of Oslo, Norway


The elusive and contested idea that there exists such a phenomenon as a European anthropology, and not least the ongoing discussion about it, reflects and contributes to the general, no less ongoing debates about European identity, the potentials and shortcomings of the European Union and questions concerning the boundaries and processes of exclusion and inclusion within Europe. However, the subject of this special section is not merely, or even mainly, the idea of Europe. It also (and perhaps mainly) concerns the characteristics of anthropology. Indeed, I shall argue that the ongoing conversation about a European anthropology mirrors theoretical debates and controversies within anthropology itself, sometimes in surprising ways. Let us begin with language.

How to Cite
Eriksen, T. (2019) “What is European about European anthropology?”, Anuac, 8(2), pp. 213-224. doi: 10.7340/anuac2239-625X-3928.
Commentaries on Changing margins and relations within European anthropology