"Sfogliare una necropoli": storia ed evoluzione del cimitero monumentale dell’Assassif (Luxor, Egitto)

  • Silvia Einaudi UMR 8546 « Archéologie et philologie d'Orient et d'Occident » (CNRS/PSL), Parigi; Università di Cagliari
Keywords: Assassif; Deir el-Bahari; Theban Necropolis; Late Period; Monumental Tombs


In Egypt, on the west bank of the ancient city of Thebes (today's Luxor) there is a vast necropolis known as Assassif, located in the desert plain in front of the three funerary temples of Deir el-Bahari. Its multi-millennial history dates back at least to the reign of king Montuhotep II (2045-1994 a.C.) and continues into Roman times. The heyday of this ancient cemetery was between the end of the 8th and the middle of the 6th century BC. During this period (XXV and XXVI dynasties) a dozen monumental tombs (also known as 'funerary palaces') were erected to bury members of the Theban elite.


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How to Cite
Einaudi, S. (2022). "Sfogliare una necropoli": storia ed evoluzione del cimitero monumentale dell’Assassif (Luxor, Egitto). Layers. Archeologia Territorio Contesti, (7), 95-105. https://doi.org/10.13125/2532-0289/5309
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