The discourse on identity in Palestinian refugee camps. The role of textual genres and representations

  • Pamela Murgia Università di Urbino, Italia


Identity is an issue of primary importance within the Palestinian refugee camps in host countries. In fact, it allows the preservation of cohesion and memory of communities that, most of the times, endure harsh life conditions. In Lebanon, many Palestinian associations that are concerned with educating children about “identity”, specifically “Palestinian identity”, not only to preserve the historical memory of their community, but also to educate them as responsible citizens aware of the issues concerning life in the refugee camp. The present work aims at presenting the work of three Palestinian associations operating in Lebanon (Beit Atfal Assoumud/al Houle, al Jana, Najdeh) through the perspective of discourse analysis, in order to understand the role of language in developing identity and transmitting knowledge.


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Come citare
Murgia, P. (2021). The discourse on identity in Palestinian refugee camps. The role of textual genres and representations. América Crítica, 5(2), 149-157.
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