Understanding fascism: Ethnographic studies on the far right

  • Maddalena Gretel Cammelli Università di Bologna, Italy


Review article of Douglas R. Holmes, Integralismi europei: Capitalismo veloce, multiculturalismo, neofascismo, edizione italiana e traduzione a cura di Bernardino Palumbo e Giovanni Pizza, Milano, Meltemi, 2020, pp. 375 [ed. or. Integral Europe: Fast-capitalism, multiculturalism, neofascism, Oxford e Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2000]; Emanuele Toscano, ed, Researching far-right movements: Ethics, methodologies, and qualitative inquiries, London and New York, Routledge, 2019, pp. 151; Stephen D. Ashe, Joel Busher, Graham Macklin, Aaron Winter, eds, Researching the far right. Theory, method and practice, London and New York, Routledge, 2021, pp. 411.

How to Cite
Cammelli, M. G. (2021) “Understanding fascism: Ethnographic studies on the far right”, Archivio Anuac, 10(2), pp. 257-267. doi: 10.7340/anuac2239-625X-5019.
Review articles