Expertise and adventure: In/formalization processes within EU rule of law capacity building programs

  • Filippo M. Zerilli Università di Cagliari, Italy
  • Julie Trappe Independent scholar, Germany


This paper explores dynamics of formalization and informalization as interlinked social processes as a contribution to a critical understanding of rule of law capacity building programs in the framework of EU enlargement policy. It also challenges the assumption according to which informality would be a modality characteristic of countries of the “Global South”.
How to Cite
Zerilli, F. and Trappe, J. (2017) “Expertise and adventure: In/formalization processes within EU rule of law capacity building programs”, Archivio Anuac, 6(2), pp. 103-108. doi: 10.7340/anuac2239-625X-3090.
Forum: In/formalization