Teaching in crisis: Anthropology under structural adjustment

  • Susana Narotzky Universitat de Barcelona, Spain


In this paper I want to address the pressure of structural adjustment policies on teaching and learning anthropology. I will base my thoughts on the Spanish case but the reflexion is applicable to many other countries in Europe. The decline in public funding and the increase in fees have transformed the meaning of higher education. Increasingly, productivity criteria and ranking measures become the guides to university investments and social valorisation of competing disciplines in the public eye.

How to Cite
Narotzky, S. (1) “Teaching in crisis: Anthropology under structural adjustment”, Archivio Anuac, 5(1), pp. 75-78. doi: 10.7340/anuac2239-625X-2459.
Forum: Anthropologists in/of the Neoliberal Academy