Sem dança não tem força nenhuma: Creating indigenous spaces in São Paulo urban area

  • Sofia Venturoli Università di Torino, Italy


The article presents the political and cultural milestones of the history of the Pankararé indigenous association in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The article deploys through the words of one of the leading persons involved in the set up of the Pankararé urban association, its leader Alaide Xavier Pereira Feitosa. The story of Alaide spans between the Sao Paulo urban area and the original Pankararé land in the state of Bahia, representing the journey of building indigenous space and claiming differentiated citizenship by defining their legitimacy through memory and ritual paths.

Author Biography

Sofia Venturoli, Università di Torino, Italy

Sofia Venturoli, M.Litt in Social Anthropology and Amerindian Studies, University of St. Andrews, PhD in anthropology, University of Bologna, is now researcher and professor at University of Torino. She developed ethnographic fieldwork and archival researches in various contexts in Latin America. Visiting professor in several Latin American Universities, her main interests are on social and cultural changes, ethnogenesis, gender, citizenship and indigenous movement.

How to Cite
Venturoli, S. (2016) “Sem dança não tem força nenhuma: Creating indigenous spaces in São Paulo urban area”, Archivio Anuac, 5(1), pp. 269-292. doi: 10.7340/anuac2239-625X-2239.