Rom: Institutional idioms and (self)representations in two recent books

  • Massimo Aresu École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France
  • Francesco Bachis Università di Cagliari, Italy


Book review of Martina Giuffré, ed, Uguali, diversi, normali. Stereotipi, rappresentazioni e contronarrative del mondo rom in Italia, Spagna e Romania, Roma, Castelvecchi, 2014, pp. 286; Leonardo Piasere, Nicola Solimano, Sabrina Tosi Cambini, eds, Wor(l)ds which Exclude. The Housing Issue of Roma, Gypsies and Travellers in the Language of the Acts and the Administrative Documents in Europe, Fiesole, Fondazione Michelucci Press, 2014, pp. 240.
How to Cite
Aresu, M. and Bachis, F. (2015) “Rom: Institutional idioms and (self)representations in two recent books”, Archivio Anuac, 4(1), pp. 180-188. doi: 10.7340/anuac2239-625X-1879.
Review articles