Pizzini: About public uses of the word anthropology

  • Sandra Puccini Università di Viterbo, Italy


The article surveys “snippets”, gleaned over the last year from Italian newspaper and magazine articles, in which the words “anthropology” and “anthropological”, often loosely used, are to be found. The survey makes no claims to completeness. Such generalized use of terms with a specific meaning seems to have intensified with the simultaneous decline in various fields (publishing, academia and institutions) of the demo-ethno-anthropological disciplines. The article directs an ironic gaze on current problems which our professional community needs to tackle seriously.

How to Cite
Puccini, S. (2015) “<em>Pizzini</em&gt;: About public uses of the word anthropology”, Archivio Anuac, 1(2), pp. 57-65. doi: 10.7340/anuac2239-625X-32.