Note sull'architettura in terra cruda in Sardegna: dalle origini alle età punica e romana

  • Raimondo Secci Università di Bologna. Dipartimento di Beni Culturali
Keywords: Sardinia, mud bricks, pisé, lutum punicum, Punic and Roman age.


This contribution aims to provide an overview of the origin and development of earthen architecture in Sardinia, in the light of the most recent studies and literary sources. The first evidence of building systems based on the use of clay can be attributed to the culture of San Michele di Ozieri, developed in the Recent Neolithic. Subsequently, the phenomenon seems to intensify from the Recent and Final Bronze Age, especially in the Campidanese region and in Gallura, and then generalize following the contact with the Phoenician culture, recording the maximum diffusion in Punic and Roman age. Although it is possible to reconstruct the evolution of this building culture in a general way, the available picture still shows many questions and large areas of shadow, which will have to be solved by future research.


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Author Biography

Raimondo Secci, Università di Bologna. Dipartimento di Beni Culturali

Ricercatore di Archeologia fenicio-punica (L-OR/06)

Professore aggregato di Archeologia fenicio-punica (L-OR/06) e di Archeologia e storia dell'arte del Vicino Oriente antico (L-OR/05)

How to Cite
Secci, R. (2022). Note sull’architettura in terra cruda in Sardegna: dalle origini alle età punica e romana. Layers. Archeologia Territorio Contesti, (7), 49-73.
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