From Rabelais to Zola, From Camus to Erasmus: the Psycholgy of the Trial, the Great Writers’ Intuitions and the Confirm of the Cognitive Sciences

  • Carlo Bona Università di Trento
Keywords: Law, Literature, Psychology, Rituals, Heuristics


 Rabelais, Zole, Camus have seen that the judments are based on many – sided thought processes, and not only on legal rationality. The article want to demonstrate that these intuitions are confirmed by the psycholgy and cognitive sciences.

To hit the mark, the article analyses an extract ofGargantua and PantagrueleThérèse Raquin and The stranger, comparing the pieces of these works to some psychological tests.

The article shows that Rabelais has rightly seen how much some heuristics are important to come to a decision; that Zola has seen the importance of the expectations in the perception of eyewitnesses; that Camus has described the deformations that could be produced in the course of the evidence.

In the end, the article shows that sometimes the justice is most clear in the great writers’ work and not, like Erasmus said, collecting glosses and glosses.


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Author Biography

Carlo Bona, Università di Trento

Professore a contratto di diritto privato presso la Facoltà di Economia dell’Università di Trento, è autore, tra l’altro, di Sentenze imperfette (Il Mulino, 2010) e, con Giovanni Pascuzzi, I rapporti di vicinato (Zanichelli, 2010).


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How to Cite
Bona, C. (2012). From Rabelais to Zola, From Camus to Erasmus: the Psycholgy of the Trial, the Great Writers’ Intuitions and the Confirm of the Cognitive Sciences. Between, 2(3).
Narratives on Law, Narratives in Law