Narrative Worlds and Future Histories. Models of Serial Expansion from Pulp Magazines to Transmedia Franchises.

  • Paolo Bertetti Università di Siena
Keywords: Transmedia Storytelling, Worldbuilding, Science Fiction, Pulp Magazines, Possible Worlds


The forms of modular and transmedia seriality developed in recent years, such as the new TV series or the transmedia franchises, have made central both in the scientific debate about the media and in the mechanisms of media production concepts such as "fictional worlds" and "worldbuilding”. A real aesthetics of worldness connecting movies, television, literature and videogames is emerging.

Using historical, semiotic and narratological methods, my paper aims at highlighting how this kind of seriality, based on the sharing of narrative worlds, is not a new phenomenon. Like other serial mechanisms, we can retrace the origins in the narrative practices of pulp magazines of the first half of the XXth century. In the second part of the paper I will focus on a particular model of serial construction, the so-called "future histories", that made its first appearance during the 1940s and is at the basis of the narrative expansion of science fiction transmedia franchises today.


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Author Biography

Paolo Bertetti, Università di Siena
Paolo Bertetti teaches Theories and techniques of mass communication at the University of Siena. Former secretary and then vice-president of the AISS, the Italian Association of Semiotic Studies his research interests concern Narratology, Transmedia Storytelling, Semiotic Theory, Semiotics of Film and Semiotics of Text. He is also interested in the genres and imagery of contemporary popular culture. Among his books: ll mito Conan (2011), Il discorso audiovisivo. Teorie e strumenti semiotici (2012; spanish translation: El relato audiovisual. Teorias y hierramentas semioticas, 2015), Lo schermo dell’apparire (2013). His latest book, Transmedia Archaeology (2014; with C. Scolari and M. Freeman), was published in England by Palgrave Macmillan.


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How to Cite
Bertetti, P. (2016). Narrative Worlds and Future Histories. Models of Serial Expansion from Pulp Magazines to Transmedia Franchises. Between, 6(11).
Transmedia Storytelling: Transpositions