Geomorphological features of the marine area of Sinuessa in Campania, southern Italy

  • Micla Pennetta Department of Earth Sciences, Environment and Resources, University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, ITALY
  • Alfredo Trocciola ENEA, Centro Ricerche Portici, Portici (NA), ITALY
  • Carmine Minopoli ENEA, Centro Ricerche Portici, Portici (NA), ITALY
  • Renata Valente Dipartmento di Ingegneria Civile, Design, Edilizia, Ambiente, Second University of Naples, Aversa (CE), ITALY
  • Corrado Stanislao Department of Earth Sciences, Environment and Resources, University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, ITALY
  • Carlo Donadio Department of Earth Sciences, Environment and Resources, University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, ITALY




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How to Cite
Pennetta, M., Trocciola, A., Minopoli, C., Valente, R., Stanislao, C., & Donadio, C. (1). Geomorphological features of the marine area of Sinuessa in Campania, southern Italy. Mediterranean Geoarchaeology Workshop.